The Trap / Klopka
Serbia/Germany/Hungary, 106‘ ,
Directed by: Srdan Goluboviæ
Script: Melina Pota-Koljeviæ, Srðan Koljeviæ
Producer: Jelena Mitroviæ, Nataša Ninkoviæ, Alexander Ris, Jörg Rothe, Laszlo Kantor
Production company: Baš Èelik Film & Production House/ Mediopolis
Cinematography: Aleksandar Iliæ
Editing: Marko Glušac, Dejan Uroševiæ
Music: Mario Schneider
Cast: Nebojša Glogovac, Nataša Ninkoviæ, Anica Dobra, Miki Manojloviæ, Marko Duroviæ
Format: 35 mm, color
Running time: 106'
‘The Trap’ (‘Klopka’) is a film about a man forced to choose between his own child’s life and death. It tells a story about the hero’s moral dilemma – whether he is to save his son’s life by becoming a murderer. It’s about a man who exchanges death for life, his own misery for somebody else’s. It’s about an event which brings salvation to his family and desolation and pain to somebody else’s family. It’s about a choice which doesn’t really exist at all… ’The trap’ is a confessional film, a modern Balkan version of ‘Crime and punishment’. It’s a story about a crime which saved the life of the hero’s son and about redemption that comes from the inside, from an inability to live with one’s own crime.
Awards Sofia International Film Festival 2007
Grand Prix
Directors Biography
Srdan Goluboviæ was born in 1972. in Belgrade and studied in the drama school of the University of Arts there. His directorial credits include the short film Threesome (1994), a short for the omnibus film Paket Aranzman (segment, 1995) and his award-winning feature debut, Absolute Hundred (2001), The Trap (2007) is his second feature film. . He and other young filmmakers founded the Bas Celik production company, for whom he made music videos for Serbian musicians as well as commercials.
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Reviews Mladen from 'The Trap' troubles us and strikes us as Raskoljnikov of our times. / Srðan Vuèiniæ, FIPRESCI
Location and screening schedule: premiere: SC Cinema, Sunday, October 21st at 20.00 reprisal: Cinema Europe, Monday, October 22nd at 10.00